Caspian On Steed Available For Pre-Order

Caspian on Steed - Weta
Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the throne of Narnia, commits himself to battle, leading his fellow Narnians into combat. Astride his bay steed he charges, sword in hand, determined to depose the treacherous King Miraz and the oppressive Telmarines and at long last bring peace and prosperity to all Narnians.
Today, on the day of the World Premiere, Weta launches the third piece from Disney’s The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
Weta Concept Designer Paul Tobin designed this feature piece, with inspiration drawn from the works of Western artist Frederic Remington. It was then sculpted by Eden Small and Daniel Cockersell.
Check out the website for more details.
Thanks to fantasia_kitty for the heads up