McAvoy Misses Tumnus writes: Scottish actor James McAvoy fears he’ll miss out on the excitement of the Chronicles of Narnia film series because the character he played in the first film doesn’t show up again until book seven. The Brit won acclaim as faun Mr Tumnus in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but hasn’t been asked to reprise the role in the sequel, Prince Caspian. And he fears he’ll be old and grey before he returns to the film franchise, based on CS Lewis’ books. He tells Venice magazine, “Tumnus doesn’t show up until the last Narnia book, which is called The Last Battle, so I’m a bit devastated. “But, if they ever get to the seventh book, when I’m about 45 years old, maybe they’ll (producers) come knocking.” Well, there’s a good reason why McAvoy hasn’t been asked to reprise his role in Prince Caspian – it takes place over 1000 years after LWW, and fauns don’t live that long. And we think that McAvoy should take the time to read the fifth book, The Horse and his Boy, wherein Tumnus certainly makes a substantial appearance! (Maybe that might allay his devastation.)