Report: Flock Hill Exhibition
Earlier this week, Narniawebber Coracle attended “Our Land Speaks Volumes”, a special exhibition about the Flock Hill area used for the battle scenes in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. In addition to her report we have some stunning photos kindly provided by New Zealand’s Film South. These photos made up part of the original location scouting submission to the filmmakers.
- Flock Hill Exhibition
- Flock Hill Battle Location
- Flock Hill Battle Location
- Flock Hill Battle Location
- Flock Hill Battle Location
- Flock Hill Exhibition
- Flock Hill Exhibition
- Flock Hill Exhibition
- Flock Hill Exhibition
- Flock Hill Exhibition
Our Land Speaks Volumes” – the battle location from LWW
by Coracle
Celebrating Canterbury’s transformation into the Land of Narnia – well, Flock Hill anyway – is what this new photographic exhibition in Christchurch is all about. Set in a historic building in the central city, this little exhibition, “Our Land Speaks Volumes”, shows us large photos of magnificent Flock Hill juxtaposed with stills from the film of Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe.
As if these photographs were not enough, the exhibition includes information boards with excerpts from interviews with the director, producers and others (including photographer Ian Brodie, author of “Cameras in Narnia”).
Here we learn the background to New Zealand’s being chosen as the shooting location for the film, following visits in 2003 by director Andrew Adamson and his production team. Of Flock Hill the material says they “…visited the site and became convinced Flock Hill’s grandeur was perfect for the climactic battle scenes.”
In one corner a screen is continually showing the trailer and some background interviews. In another an old fashioned black telephone invites us to pick up the receiver and hear extracts from the book of LWW. In the centre of the room is the ubiquitous lamp-post, this time with little snow and unlit.
Linking the room to a display of maps in the next-door room, is a 19th century map of Canterbury showing the location of Flock Hill station in the mountains of the Southern Alps.
Hmm, we think that the gorgeous landscapes wouldn’t look amiss in the next film, Prince Caspian, either!