NZ Television Spot Transcript
New Zealand’s TV1 NEWS ITEM: 6TH APRIL 6 PM NEWS (state run TV)
Transcript by Coracle
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- Andrew Adamson
- Mark Johnson
Frontwoman Judy Bailey:
“First New Zealand was Middle-Earth, and now it’s about to change into another fantasy land, Narnia. A New Zealand director with a big Hollywood budget is about to transform a slice of west Auckland into the land dreamed up by C.S.Lewis. And today the welcome mat was laid out for the film crew.”
Lisa Glass reports:
[Maori in traditional costume call out as part of welcome ritual known as a Powhiri. Adamson is seen stepping forward and stooping to pick up piece of greenery laid on ground as challenge – by picking it up he shows he comes in peace. School children in uniform respond to him with chant and actions. He smiles gently. Among his group is a woman with a baby in pink]
“Andrew Adamson’s never had a welcome home like this before, but then he’s never brought home a major feature film, one that will give West Auckland an economic boost.”
Mayor of Waitakere City, Bob Harvey:
“It means millions in this community, It does, always, when a big film production comes and stays for a period, which this production will.”
“Andrew Adamson is the brains behind Shrek and the upcoming Shrek 2. [clips of Shrek and BBC LWW] The LWW’s set to start shooting here in June”
“We’ll have probably 85-90 percent New Zealand crew. I mean, we are very lucky that there is a strong New Zealand crew here.”
“The key players will make New Zealand their home for the next 6 months.”
Mark Johnson, producer:
“This is such a large film, that as such I’ve separated myself from some of the other things that I’m doing right now.”
“In fact, whole families are involved in the project.”
Gomez Sandovel (small boy- son of costume designer)
“It’s to make a movie, LWW, with my mama”.[American accent]
“Although shooting starts in just three months, key casting decisions are still to be made. Rumours that Nicole Kidman [clip of her] was going to play the White Queen are untrue. The four main roles are children, and they’ll probably be English.”
“We’re just starting to look at New Zealand children as well.”
“You’re going to have people accosting you in the street now, ”replies reporter. Adamson laughs very naturally: “Yeah, do you have to put that on? I mean, no, we’re not really looking, we’re just looking quietly.” Laughs.
“The creators say, we can expect plenty of magic.”
Joseph Coddington, bigger boy, Line Producer’s son:
“Dad said it has to happen exactly what’s in the story.” [NZ accent]
Reporter:“A story set to turn this NZ scene into the fantasyland of Narnia.”
TV3 News Item 6th April 6 pm news, New Zealand (private company)
“Roar Talent” says mini-backdrop in studio
“Today brought a key scene in the making of the New Zealand production of the Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, the arrival in Auckland of its Kiwi director Andrew Adamson. The big-budget fantasy will create 600 jobs, take a year to shoot, and hit cinemas at Christmas next year.”
Reporter Belinda Henley:
[Adamson being led onto marae by warrior in costume for Powhiri)
“He’s our other world-famous Oscar-winning director, and today AA was welcomed home to West Auckland’s largest-ever film project. LWW starts shooting in June, with almost an entirely NZ crew.”
Adamson:[outside meeting house]
“We’ll have probably 85-90 percent New Zealand crew. I mean, we are very lucky that there is a strong New Zealand crew here. At the same time, there’s two huge films being made in NZ simultaneously, which is a first, so we’re sort of fighting and competing for the crew right now. Luckily we’re all on good terms.”
“Adamson was joined at the Powhiri by the film’s American producers, keen to dispel casting rumours.
Mark Johnson:
“What I can confirm is that Nicole Kidman is NOT doing this film” Reporter, “But nothing more than that” “That’s right. No, it’s not that I’m hiding anything; we just haven’t cast anybody yet. We’re in the middle of it”
“Word is, their next pick to play the White Witch is Jennifer Connolly, who won an Oscar for A Beautiful Mind [clip from ABM].
[Clip showing books of LWW] The film’s budget is a secret, but it’s well into the hundreds of millions, money mayor Bob Harvey has campaigned for two years to see spent here.”
Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey:
“This is a major film, and it will be here for a long time. So the production will give us everything we wanted in our sheds. Welcome to Westywood.”
Reporter [outdoors in front of long building]:
“Much of the film will be shot on sets here at the Henderson Valley Coolstores. Today it was renamed the Cameron Duncan Studios, in memory of the young film-maker who recently died of cancer.
It was Duncan Fran Walsh dedicated her most recent Oscar to, and whose mother was present today [clip from Oscars for Into The West]
[clip from Shrek]Adamson is the creative genius behind Shrek. The animated film won him an Academy Award, and Shrek 2 premieres next month.”
Adamson:[on Shrek 1 & 2]
“Last time round, the film kind of belonged to us, we could sort of do with it as we pleased. This time the characters are sort of owned by the audience, so it was actually a real challenge to be able to live up to, hopefully, people’s expectations for the film. But I’m actually happy with it.”
Reporter: [over shot of Adamson, sitting with baby in pink on knee, talking to mayor outside meeting house]
“The audience for this project will be no less demanding.”