Want to Hear Carrie Sing ‘There’s a Place for Us’ ?
Yahoo!Movies has a preview video of Carrie performing ‘There’s a Place for Us’ from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, including some new clips from the movie.
This video clip was also shown on ABC last night during the 44th Country Music Awards.
Thank you so much to everyone who sent this story in!
Wow that's very country….not quite what I was looking for, but very nice.
oops I don't think I made it clear in my comment…I don't like the country style!!
That was wonderful! Who agrees that was perfect for Narnia!?
Ooh. I likely much better than the last two credit songs…
Oh… i really love it. I change my mind o.o!!!! It made me cry!
Ditto Val. I changed my mind as well.
Wow… THIS SONG IS horrible…
The only way I'd be truly satisfied with the soundtrack is if they had played the original score from the film. Since they are not doing that I don't really care what they do, I don't plan on listening to it anyway.
It's better than the first credit songs we've had, but not as good as it could be… π
But I love the new footage. It was so beautiful! Lucy hugging Aslan (checks off one of the checklist boxes as postive) and Ed hugging Caspian. And Lucy looked so scared going into the Magician's house… let alone when she was trying the beauty spell for the second time! I will definately cry when I watch this movie! π
I meant credits not soundtrack.
It wasshow last night during the CMA Awards! I thought it was cool!
This is what happens when I miss the CMA's… they post something Narnia related… *sighs*
YouΒ΄re right, Pepper Darcy, it's impresive how well made the movie looks at this point.
I agree. Let's post the clip in our facebook profiles! π
I don't like it at all either. The best songs were in the first movie, Prince Caspian's were ok but this one… such a disappointment..
This is amazing! I love the Ed-Caspian hug, and the Lucy hug to Aslan… I am so gonna cry in the theater. :,(
Too bad I don't have a facebook!
I'm more of a Regina Spektor fan, but I definitely like Carrie's version better than the Euro-boyband sound. Let's hope it is in the credits.
Hooray for a better shot of Reep riding the dragon's tongue into the wind. I wasn't sure if that was his location from earlier pics.
What. That was beautiful! It's not as good as the Call, of course, but I can see it as an epic ending to the movie. Carrie Underwood has a great voice…and actually, this isn't as country as it could be.
One month to go…bring it on.
The Edmund-Caspan hug is going to be the best part of the movie!!!! <3
I think it was totally awesome. I have a feeling that I'm going to cry at least at the end of this movie.
The song is beautful, but.. for Narnia?
I'll miss The call..
The ironic thing is almost everybody was mad about carrie. Almost everyone said that Carries song was no good. Now I look at the majority of the coments and it seems almost everybody likes it! Dont judge a book by it's cover!
They showed this at the CMA awards?
Wow says it right there at the top! How did I miss that?
In my humble opinion, I like Carrie's version best. Whether you like it or not, it's certainly better than EMD. Love her voice.
Wow, this is better than I thought it would be.
The song is okay, imo, but NOT for Narnia. On the plus side some of the new clips look fantastic.
The clips were AWESOME!!!!! I just loved them, as for the song…….well……I still think the lyrics are very cheap, some of the lines I just can't stand,Carrie sings it well though so that compensates a bit, and the music is awesome. I agree that it is NOT for Narnia though, somehow to me it doesn't match the story, could be just me I don't know. All in all I don't like the song very much, but it is bearable
Precisely. I was firmly against this song with the Euroband version, though Carrie's version is softening me. I still this it's inappropriate for the third Narnia movie, something like this would have been perfect for LLW, though. All in all, Carrie makes the song.
I am so glad Carrie is singing for the soundtrack
I <3 it!!! π
Song doesn't sound at all magical as it should sound. Sounds really sappy and cheesy.
But I'm glad I watched the video. Got to see some new footage I haven't seen before. π
Actually I really really like it alot better than I thought. It shows how Edmund and Lucy are trying to find the place where they fit in. It really goes with alot of people not sure of which way to go in life and tells them there is a place, just hold on. Someday you'll find it! π
Is there any way we can get screencaps from this?! please oh please?
Aslan's mane, I agree. I'm VERY confident I'm gonna cry at the ending. That good-bye brotherly hug between Caspian and Edmund was so… touching :')
I love it!!!!!!!!!! and those new clips were awesome
Why is it no longer available???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!
Ooh, new clips! Yay! The song's pretty good.
Anyone else dislike what they've done with the merpeople? I hate this transparant water-spirit thing that they've gone for. Why can't they have merpeople like the ones at the end of LWW? That would be so much more awesome. The one we keep seeing in all the trailers reminds me more of a naiad if anything. π
He, he. Found it on Youtube. It's actually better than I'd thought it might be. Still, I wish they weren't having country music for end credits. Still, if they must, I'm glad it's Carrie Underwood.
OH MY GOSH that was MUCH better than the guys from EMD! Sorry no offense guys! And it was so touching when Edmund and Caspian embraced, since they were in a bad situation at Goldwater.
Ooh, I love the new footage, especially the hug.
I don't mind the song, though I'll have to hear the whole thing to form a real opinion on it.
Not into country, but I recognize it as a good song. π
oh yes, it's better than the first version. It sounds better π I think the tune's okay, not so sure on the lyrics though… :/ Oh well, I don't have to buy it with the soundtrack so now I'm nutral on the song. If I had to buy it I might actually have more to say… But since I don't have to listen to it I don't have to care! π
But you're right, this is an improvement! π
I so agree! I'm gonna cry too! π So happy since this'll probably be the first movie I've actually probably bawled on… I've had tears in my eyes when Frodo said farewell to Sam, when Archie Kennedy died in Horatio Hornblower, and almost cried when Hiccup realized part of his foot was gone (yeah, almost cried over a kid's animated movie =) But this one… I'm going to be sobbing π
I rewatched the clip, and when Lucy hugs Aslan, I'm getting the impression that it's the 'last' *GOODBYE* hug. She looked like she was in turmoil… *aaaahhhh*!! I hope Lucy cries at that point… it'd be so sad. so. perfect!
Still undecided about the song. *tries not to imagine those clips with an Enya song* :/
I like Carrie singing it better than those 3 talentless guys. It is better then what I thought it would be. But I still like The Call better. The clip Susan and Peter were in made me cry to think they won't be in it. :'( I WANT SUSAN AND PETER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if it isn't in the book! But other than that it looks like it will be a good movie! ONLY ONE MORE MONTH!!!!
Very nice song. I love the words!! It seems a little to counry for Narnia though, I guess will have to wait and see what it sounds when it is in context. – What Might Have Happened –
The new clips are beautiful, and the music isn't too bad either, although very badly mixed…
I agree! That song fits extremely well, I think! I absolutely cannot wait to hear the rest of the song very soon! π
Love it! Perfect!
agreed, I don't care for country either, But this seems to fit, of the 3 credit songs I like PC the best, then LWW, this one? well I'll have to hear it fully in context with the end of the movie
Wow!!!! This song is so beautiful and awesome! It fits Narnia perfectly! I'm so excited to see the movie! Just watching this video really made this morning so awesome!
"..it was a grievous parting on both sides…." from Voyage of the Dawn Treader Chapter 16.
Oh I am going to need to bring a box of tissues for that farewell scene.
I love this!!! Love the song, love the clips. So excited!!!
I love Carrie Underwood…the style isn't *quite* right for Narnia, but I don't mind it. π
oh totally, it was sad in LWW and PC but this is like my fave book so i'll be balling. (or it just may be the fact that it is lucy's(my fave character) last book)
the call was amazing true but this one really fits the movie(or at least the parts we've seen). And I miss peter and susan too.
Oh Wow! I loved it. Carrie is a great singer and she is very beautiful. I can not wait to see the movie. The two scenes where Lucy hugs Aslan and Edmund hugs Caspian make me want to cry! December 10…. Please come soon! I can't wait any longer!