Dawn Treader to Get Two Premieres in the US — First in Knoxville, TN
Yesterday we reported that the US premiere for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader would take place on December 9th in whichever city the Operation Narnia contest winner chose. As it turns out, apparently there will be two US premieres. The first one will take place in Knoxville, TN on December 8th.
From WBIR News:
Stars from the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be attending a movie premiere in Knoxville to benefit Variety, the Children’s Charity.
According to a release, the movie will be shown on Wednesday, December 8 at the Regal Cinema’s Pinnacle Stadium 18 in Turkey Creek.
Tickets will begin to go on sale on Tuesday November 23 at the Pinnacle Box Office. Each ticket is $50 and includes a catered reception before the stars walk the red carpet and a viewing of the film in 3D.
View US Premiere of โVoyageโ in Knoxville in a larger map
Thanks Narnianerd for the heads up!
UPDATE: I noticed there was a lot of confusion in the comments below, so I thought I’d try to clarify a bit. No winner for the Operation Narnia contest has been announced. This is a completely different premiere.
December 8 US Premiere – Knoxville TN hosted by Variety, the Children’s Charity.
December 9 US Premiere – Unknown location at this time. Will be hosted by the winner of the Operation Narnia contest.
December 10 – The movie opens everywhere in the US.
UPDATE Nov. 13, 2010: We have more information on the Knoxville, TN screening. Apparently rather than a premiere, it’s been called a pre-release red carpet Gala. But the real bit of news since several of you asked, tickets for the event go on sale on Nov 23, 2010 at the theater.
only $50! I wish I lived in Tennessee.
awww come on! no NY? X_x suck!
OH GEE!!!! I REALLY wish it was in Kansas!
woot! i live in tennessee. knoxville is just an hour away. WIN!
this is cool. it will be nice to have them go somewhere else besides NY and Los Angeles. please post pictures!!!!
Seriously?! First, why the heck in Knoxville, TN? That honestly makes no sense. But I'll be there!
I live in Georgia… But it's still over 3 hours away! ๐
Wait…did they just randomly choose this location or did a winner choose it? Did somebody win already??? HELP!
That is so cool. You are really lucky. Have fun!!!!
Say what!? THEY NEED TO COME TO DALLAS TX!!!! That makes no sense! How did they choose the winner already? Thats just plain weird. Well anyway im still going. TN is not exactly where I wanted it to be though.
NO way i live in Tn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to go so bad now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder where the 2nd location is at..
Please please please please please make the second one in Chicago Illinois!!
I think this is a brilliant idea. The Narnia films probably have their biggest fan base in the Bible Belt, so why not premiere the film in Tennessee? Some say the film industry is slowly shifting away from Hollywood anyway.
wow! i live in TN! it's awsome that they're having the U.S. premiere somewhere besides LA or NY! I don't I'll go though. $50 is just alot to pay for a movie ticket.
I live in Knoxville and am SO excited about this! It truly is a dream come true ๐ And the $50 goes towards charity. It's something Variety does every year.
I'm Going!!!!!!!!!!! My Dream come true! My Christmas present wish come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well… I'm never going to be fortunate enough to win anything or ever go to anything like that… so… ๐ Happy for those of you go get to go! ๐ I'd *SO* love to meet Georgie! ๐
I live a few hours away! O MY GOSH!!!! But $50 for the five of us (family) I don't think so… ๐ …. but I want to meet Georgie so much!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
NO!!!! They must come to Oklahoma! So That Me And Skandar could Meet And Fall in Love!!!!!!!
I hate u soo much rite now! Lol
Oh, I'm in NC, so Knoxville is probably out. It's about 6 hours away from us. Why in the world did they pick Knoxville? I've been there, and while it's nice, I wouldn't say it's the best spot in the US for a premier. I would pick someplace like New York, or LA, somewhere a lot of people can get to.
I'm sorry , i'll take pictures though! ๐
yes sir, frothybeans – you are REALLY lucky!!!
I just hope someone in LA will win the operation Narnia contest…
YES!! GO TEXAS RANGERS!!! (even though they lost…)
We need Narnia 3 to premiere here in TX, the game season has been hard on us ๐
OMG! [I apologize for swearing.] You have no idea how many times I have driven by the Regal Cinema at Turkey Creek shopping center near Knoxville, TN! They have a Super Target and a Starbucks! I was just there on Sunday night!!! Will I attend the premiere on December 8? Probably not. I don't have the money or leisure to do so… :((
I'm in GA! So I may be able to go! ๐ I hope I can! It would be sooooooo awesome! ๐
Regal HQ
aww! I really wish you could go! If you go, tell Georgie hi for me! :Dm(and yes, it was Archie from the Horatio Hornblower movies Mutiny/Retribution) that I was talking about ;D
Thanks, Pepper! I live 90 minutes from Knoxville. I won't be able to attend because of money and time…
Turkey Creek: Starbucks, Super Target, lots of other really nice shopping places and hotels and restaurants. This is the nicest shopping center on interstate 81. PERIOD!
Chicago all the way man
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIVE LIKE 30 MINUTES FROM THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i live about an hour away from Knoxville!!!!!
I so excited for this. Expecially Skandar's big stunt with the sea monster at the end!!! *hint hint.
Man, I really wish I was going to be home that week. I guess I will just have to wait till the tenth. I live less than an hour from Knoxville but I go to school 5 hours away from home.
GO! and take video for us!! : ))
are you kidding? premieres are often $500 , on upwards-
Does anyone know if the tickets will be available online? Or will you have to actually go to the theater to purchase them?
I can't go…darn.
Anyway, I flipped to TLC tonight, and caught the end of a Narnia trailer, and it was cosupporting Sarah Palin's Alaska TV show. Something about winning the Voyage to Alaska…anyone else see it? I barely caught the end of it.
I will not be I live in Italy … here do not like narnia =(
I got to see the Ice Palace thing. It's pretty cool but it wasn't as big as I thought it would be,(It was in Detroit) Even thought I live 30 min. away I got to see it ๐
WOW! Lucky for all of the Tennesee-ers. I hope you guys get to go, and have tons of fun. It seems like a bit of a random location to me, but whatever floats your boat…hehe.
I can only imagine how exciting this would be, to find out the primiere is 30 minutes from your house…
Ahhhh….to live in Tennessee….guess I will have to wait!
Los Angeles! Grr
I saw the whole thing the other night. I guess they are going to show a sneek peek of the movie after Sarah Palin's show. ๐
Why Knoxville, Tennessee?
1. Knoxville is the headquarters of Regal Cinemas, owned by media mogul Philip Anschutz โ who also owns Walden Media!
2. Knoxville is centrally located. Itโs the gateway to the Smokies. Millions of people live within one dayโs drive from it.
3. Tennessee borders 8 states! The state name in Cherokee means โmeeting placeโ or something.
Way to go, Walden Media and Fox for picking Knoxville!!! ๐
Hey! Would you know of a preview of Narnia 3 French in Paris? We, French fans expected, but no new … If you can contact the prod or someone from the film and ask them, or if you know a site with all the dates, countries of first before …. Thanks a lot!
French fans of Narnia.
This seems like a bizarre place to have a premiere or a pre screening. Pretty close to me though. I could drive there. I'll think about it.
I saw a comercial for it, but I only caught the end…
OMGSH! Thats AWESOME! I wish my parents would… Please tell Georgie,Will,and Skandar that Christine said 'HI! from Alabama!' Or all of NarniaWeb would make it easier! If you can of course! ๐ ๐ ๐
Will they sell the tickets online? (stupid question LOL) It would be kinda annoying to have to drive allllll the way up to Knoxville, buy tickets, drive alllll the way back home, THEN go back up there next month… However, I will do that if necessary LOL.
And are they open to the public? Sorry.. Just want to make sure of all this LOL!
oh my goodness, I live in Knoxville, im going I have to
YES!!!! Please go and take video!!!!!