
I don’t know how many people noticed this, but when you’re checking out the official website for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, if you change the size of your window, the background image will zoom in and out and allow you to see more or less of the image. As I run a dual-monitor setup, I had a lot of requests on the forum for screenshots of the pages (the character pages in particular) since I can get the screen so wide and details hiding behind the character descriptions become visible. Since there was so much interest in these screenshots, I thought I’d go ahead and upload them for everybody.

A couple notes on the images. Credit for the homepage screencap goes to starkat. I couldn’t quite get a good shot of that one.

Second, BenBarnesOnline managed to snag a copy of the background for the Drinian profile, so I uploaded that one as well, but credit for that find goes to them.

On the Edmund screencap, it’s clear that Fox didn’t quite finish photoshopping the words out of that picture, so that one is a bit odd.

And finally, on the Reepicheep screencap, you actually lose more of the picture by stretching it out, so I uploaded two copies of that one; one stretched out and one not.

UPDATE: Of course, after I upload these images, we’re linked copies of the background images of the character profiles. You can find them here, compliments of Telmar Pictures.

UPDATE June 30: also has these shots, including the Dawn Treader from the front page. You can see them here.

100 Responses

  1. narnia365 says:

    Awesome, thanks!

  2. Kotarki says:

    It looks like a lot of these were taken from descriptions of the book characters rather than created especially for the movie, which I'm fine with. The Island of the Dufflepuds, or at least, what I'm assuming is the Island of the Dufflepuds looks very different from what I thought it would be. Not bad, just different. Almost like something from Willy Wonka. πŸ˜›

  3. LadyCourage says:

    Very nice! Thank you!

  4. Starlily says:

    The picture of the Dufflepud island looks a lot like the part in the book where they think they might be attacked by invisible enemies–except it's not on the beach. I just wonder where Lucy and Eustace are. Are they hiding in the back?

    The scene behind Reepicheep looks like Caspian's cabin. It looks like they put painted panels on the wall, like in the book. Although I'd prefer vines and crimson dragons, the panels are still cool. πŸ™‚

    The scene behind Caspian was described by Tony Nixon as having something to do with an almost-mutiny (at least I think that's what his comment said on his facebook page). Maybe that's the part on Ramandu's island where the crew doesn't want to go to the Utter East? Or could it be somewhere else? Anyone have any ideas?

  5. We have a copy of all backgrounds
    I can share it. Also I made art from images of characters.

  6. Starlily says:

    Yeah, the magician's garden is different from what I expected, but it's kinda cool too. πŸ˜› It's quirky, just like the Dufflepuds. Love the spiral bush and manicured lawn. The Dufflepuds must be expert gardeners, for all their thick-headedness (whoops, I don't think that's a word, but oh well πŸ˜‰ ).

  7. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Thank you! πŸ˜€

  8. flambeau says:

    Great pictures, FK! Thanks so much for getting those!
    Hmmm… anyone else notice that you can see Gael and Rhince in the picture of Eustace (on the right hand side of the image)?
    And what is up with the hilt of Edmund's sword?? That is the strangest looking sword hilt that I've ever seen.

    — flambeau

  9. sgk474 says:

    Thanks! They look great!

  10. fantasia_kitty says:

    Copies of the backgrounds would be great!

  11. Molly says:

    Thanks fantasia_kitty! You rock. πŸ˜‰

  12. Lady_Liln says:

    The fact that he's in battle gear and does NOT have Rhindon is very confusing. I thought he did have it when we saw him in armor previously.

    But, that is a very odd hilt. I wish we could see the whole sword. . .

    And, I'm still curious what Rhince and Gael are running from in what appears to be Narrowhaven. :S

  13. jill says:


  14. tenthofthatname says:

    Any thoughts on who's the fellow on horseback in the painting behind Reepicheep?

  15. flambeau says:

    Yes, he did have it in some other images we've seen, but this appears to be on Coriakin's island, as opposed to on the ship like they were in those images.
    If you look at the background image for Drinian's picture, you can see an okay shot of the full sword. I am curious as to what he's holding in his left hand though… I can't make out what it is.
    Okay, this is the THIRD sword we've seen Edmund with in this movie! (Rhindon, this new one, and the one he uses in the playful duel with Caspian) How many swords does he need?? πŸ˜‰ Not that I am in any way opposed to Edmund having a sword! He's the best sword fighter, in my opinion, but three different swords? What's up with that? πŸ˜‰

    — flambeau

  16. Sam says:

    I hated Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I hope this movie is like that. If VoDT turns out to be corny and childish I'm going to hate it and it's going to ruin the series.

  17. Lucy says:

    I don't mean to sound like a dim-wit, but why is EDMUND the one with the library background? Shouldn't it be Lucy? wouldn't that make more sense since SHE'S the one who reads the magic book?

  18. Sam says:

    I meant to say i hope this movie isn't* like that

  19. fantasia_kitty says:

    I believe that's High King Peter. If you look in the next frame over, you can see Susan, Edmund, and Lucy following.

  20. LOTRFREAK says:

    that is a hand and a half sword. look them up there neat.

  21. decarus says:

    Edmund's sword is so awesome.

  22. Not Of This World says:

    That is awesome!

  23. icarus says:

    Took me a while to find your pictures Telmar Pictures, but i am suitably impressed! How on earth do you extract the backgrounds? I tried forever πŸ™‚

  24. true-narnian_queen says:

    thanks lots!!! these are great!!!

  25. Lucy says:

    Yeah, it does sorta look like him (especally since the others are right behind); only it also looks like the high king needs to lay off the royal buffet in that picture…LOL…kidding…sorry…

  26. Bother Eustace says:

    Wow, those are awesome! thanks for sharing!

  27. Horse_Lover says:

    These are pretty neat! I can't wait for the movie! Hmm, that's not how I imagined Drinian, but……..

  28. pselpevensie says:

    so cool! i love them and the backgrounds are amazing!

  29. Lylanarniafan says:

    they look awesome!

  30. Griffle says:

    Awesome! Any bigger ones? And can someone please ask Fox to release the Dawn Treader background image on the front page in a clean version.

  31. Fire Fairy says:

    I think they just chose backgrounds that look good with the promo pictures of the characters, like with color scheme and all that, instead of worrying about matching the background with the actual character.

  32. wolfloversk says:

    Where did Corakin's Island come from?

  33. QueenLucy12 says:


  34. garucliff says:

    Can anyone help me? What are those writings on the top wall panels in (what seems to be Caspian's cabin)? The left top panel reads, "once a king or queen … always a king or queen…" I can't make out the opposite panel.

  35. Lucy says:

    Hmm, I'm not sure what it says, sorry. Maybe someone else does.

  36. Sorry, my English is not so good and I can't explain how on earth I do extract the backgrounds. A link to the blog I pointed to the same reason – I need an English-speaking author.

  37. I have Dawn Treader.
    I'll upload clean pictures in the evening (after 9-10 hours). I don't have any bigger ones.

  38. Braden Woodburn says:

    Very cool indeed! Thanks for uploading this! Narnia forever!

  39. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    Thanks FK for the lovely pics!

  40. Pepper Darcy says:

    I noticed Eustace and Lucy were gone too. And they probably aren't 'there' since they'd be upfront with Ed and Caspian =) Maybe they're the ones to hear the Dufflepuds etc. and don't get back in time to warn their friends =) but it looks like a really neat scene! =D

  41. Eavis says:

    Yeah, I noticed that, too…maybe they see Gael's mum and are running towards her? Slave market, perhaps?

  42. fantasia_kitty says:

    "In this world it was only as one remembers a dream"

  43. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Awesome! Thank you! Those are going on my desktop! πŸ™‚

  44. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    Yay! More VDT set & movie pictures! Thanks Telmar Pictures & everybody else! I love the cabin of the Dawn Treader! Hopefully VDT will be nominated for at least one Oscar!

  45. narnian resident says:

    wow! those are some beautiful pictures! my favorites are the picture of that town, perhaps the island that has the slaves(i forgot its name), the buildings in that one are just fabulous looking, and the one where you see Edmund, Caspian, and the crew on the Dufflepud island, standing ready with their swords, looking around for something. my guess is that they're hearing the voices of the invisible dufflepuds right there. its all so beautiful and breathtaking, i cannot wait to see it on screen!!!

  46. TumnusTheBrave says:

    i like the fourth one. maybe the dufflepud scene

  47. Arieh says:

    I figured out what the second panel says on the Reepicheep background. "In this world it was only as one remembers a dream."

  48. Countess Shamira says:

    Sam, you sound like you haven't read the book.

  49. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    When I first read the description for Caspian, it somehow didn't "click" perfectly with PC. So I agree with the "sounds like the book" comment. And as to Coriakin's garden, it /does/ look very different than I imagined… spirally bushes and such. So agreed again with you there. πŸ˜€
    I /really/ hope that it turns out good….

  50. Liberty Hoffman says:

    these pictures are so awesome! πŸ˜€

  51. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Awesome! Like the pics. Reep looks cool. πŸ™‚ Edmund looks cute. Lucy looks pretty. Caspian looks kingly. πŸ˜€ Lord Drinian and Euestace look pretty cool too. πŸ™‚

  52. Aravis & Hwin says:

    I totally agree! The garden isn't at all like I expected it, but it does looks cool. Also, the descriptions do sound a lot like the book. πŸ™‚

  53. ernesto says:

    estan bien bonitas las imagenes de Narnia lo felicito a todo que lo hicieron etc. adios.

  54. garucliff says:

    Many thanks fantasia_kitty!!!

  55. garucliff says:

    Thanks also Arieh, both you and fantasia_kitty have figured it out for me. &")

  56. Anna's Sister says:

    I love the look of the boats behind the picture of Lucy. So pretty!

  57. Jake says:

    Full pictures of the characters and larger wallpapers available here :

  58. elanor says:

    I LOVE that. That quote on the wall embodies something I felt was lacking from the last two films. That C.S. Lewisness. The little things.