Dragon Attack on the Dawn Treader

DeviantArt was sent a two minute video of live filming at Cleveland Point for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. In the footage, the Dawn Treader is under attack by a dragon.


Here’s the transcript written up by icarus:


It’s a Dragon!
He’s coming in closer! He’s starting to come towards the ship!
One! He’s coming around towards the front! He’s going round the front!
Two! We (or “He”?) don’t know where he is going! React! React!
He’s coming around to the other side!
Three! He’s coming around the back now!
Look around! He’s coming to the back side! He’s on the tail now!
Four! He’s swinging all around. He’s circling, circling!
Coming around the starboard!
And Five! He’s coming towards the mast! He’s looking up towards the mast!
And he lands on top of the mast!
Shake to Port!
And shake to Starboard!

**a crew member yells “Fire!” ?? **

And Hit! He’s trying (?) to fall down! He’s going down!
He lands! Crash!
And he’s getting back up! Here he comes!
And he’s flying out to sea! He’s going around!
He’s coming around the front, he’s going around the nose(?)
And now he’s flying off towards the island
*something, something* and he’s going off to sea

You can download the footage from DeviantArt’s website here.
Thanks to icarus for the heads-up and transcript of the video!

88 Responses

  1. fantasia_kitty says:

    The YouTube video is still being approved, give it a minute or two to come up.
    Really I don't think the Dawn Treader is actually being attacked, I think it's Eustace trying to reach them and the crew thinks they're being attacked, but we shall see.

  2. Elisabeth says:

    First! This vid is so exiting!!!

  3. Reep12 says:

    This is great. we are actually seeing a video! This is going to be a great movie!

  4. glumPuddle says:

    Perhaps the first encounter with DragonEustace has been changed? Instead of being on the beach, perhaps DragonEustace flies directly to the Dawn Treader to ask for help, and they shoot at him? This could be cool. Or it could be dumb.

  5. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Oh that is so cool! I cannot wait to see it in the movie! Thank you so much icaris for the transcipt and whoever sent in the video! I wonder what dragon they are talking about? I agree with fantasia_kitty because the dragon didn't hurt anyone. It must be Eustace. I'm so EXCITED!!!

  6. 7chronicles says:

    I would think it would be Eustace, but maybe they changed it, so the crew saw the dragon that Eustace see’s when he got lost. So maybe they know there is a dragon on the island before they even land there. I hope we get more footage!!!!

  7. Gymfan15 says:

    I'm leaning towards "cool"…I think it could generate a lot of sympathy for Eustace, especially if he's hurt. In the book they knew there was a dragon around and had seen it flying before they actually met Eustace on the beach, so I think there's still a chance that the encounter with Eustace will be somewhat the same.

  8. Karine says:

    A video! Finally!

  9. Shasta says:

    Whoa! That's awesome!!!

  10. BenBarnesGal says:

    HUH? I did'nt quite understand what everyone was doing on board….

  11. BenBarnesGal says:

    i agree with you.

  12. BenBarnesGal says:

    I know, Fire? could it be the dragon's smoke or a cannon ball?

  13. Karine says:

    Uh.. acting? lol

  14. mm1991 says:

    I don't mind if it is, indeed, changed. If it fits, great.

  15. narnian1 says:

    that has got to be the first encounter with Eustace. Sounds excellent!

  16. StoryGirl says:

    Hmmmmm, maybe…….

  17. Edmund P says:

    Wow, that's really cool! I'm guessing that the Dragon is supposed to be the EustaceDragon? I hope that is the case…

  18. Queen Swanwhite says:

    hmmm, I kinda agree…but then how did Eustace get on the island if the gang is on the ship, maybe the gang returned to the ship…or the ship could be under attack…in a sense..that could be the Lord Octavian…hmmm good question

  19. Glenstorm the Great says:

    yeah! it's finally coming togethor! i can't believe it's actually being made now!

  20. Narnia Lover says:

    Sweet! I can't wait! SAIL ON VDT!

  21. true-narnian_queen says:

    WOW!!! we are getting videos!but you could not see Ben or Georgie or Skander! but this was so exciting! SAILON DAWN TREADER!!!

  22. Yaimeyeah says:

    Wow! I would love to be there! probably it's Eustace, but then again they may have changed the sea serpent into a dragon,and yet again it maybe when they're near the dark island and that unknown thing is settling on the mast! IDK! We'll have to wait for the movie to come out to know I guess! 🙁

  23. step says:

    Based on the leaked sides that were released last year, this is correct.

  24. ExtremeFan says:

    aaaahhh!!!! sooo exciting!!!

  25. Arwen says:

    Excuse me if I'm totally off on what's happening there 🙂 but is this an actual scene or is it a practice for a scene? It sounds to me like it's one person telling the others where the dragon is going and what they need to do, whereas in the movie the sailors should be able to see that for themselves, right?

  26. twinimage says:

    This is one of the changes I originally thought they would make. It's not a drastic or a bad change per say, but of course it could be poorly implemented. We shall see. Let's hope it them reacting to Eustace, thinking he's attacking.
    It's just another way of adding action.

  27. daughter of the King says:

    Since the dragon is CG, they have to have a line of sight for the actors to follow. What we are hearing is probably the assistant director telling the cast where to look. We won't actually hear that in the final version. They just use the visual of the cast reacting rather than the audio.

  28. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Arwen, I believe the actors are being prompted to react to something that's not there but that will be added later to the scene – probably a CGI dragon. That's the nature of modern movie making.

  29. NarniaWarrior says:

    Ahh…and what does Tirian and Fantasia Kitty think about this???? it is very cool but not a whole lot to see but definitely alot to hear…eh??

  30. Silver the Wanderer says:

    I think you're right. I mean, when I first saw the headline, I was thinking "Dragon? Don't they mean sea serpent?" But your theory makes sense to me. Poor EustaceDragon. I can't wait to see what he looks like.

  31. Aslan's my homeboy says:

    Awesome a video! I think that would be so awkward to react to something that isn't there good thing I am not an actress

  32. Queen Swanwhite says:

    it could be…I guess. But I have a feeling it might be the Lord Octesian…maybe. But who knows?? 😀

  33. Arwen says:

    OK, thanks. This is my first time following a movie while it is being made like this! It makes sense (that they would use the visual and not the audio). Just didn't sound much like a movie script to me, haha.

  34. greenbird37 says:

    This is so exciting, cant wait! progress is being made!

  35. Arwen says:

    Yeah, I agree. I had thought it would sound weird to hear the audio at the same time as we see the dragon in the movie doing the exact same thing.

  36. Lucille Brown says:

    I agree Glum Puddle. I guess we will have to see how it comes out in the film. I personally don't like the change.

  37. Lucy the Valiant says:

    wow…interesting…don't know what I think of it yet though. I just wish I could see the movie…tonight!!!! I'm tired of worrying about it……the ship is absolutely beautiful though!!!!!!

  38. aussie_lucy says:

    Interesting, intriguing video! It's hard to tell what it will be like without the actual dragon there but it sounds pretty good so far, I think.

  39. Eilonwy19 says:

    It could be the Dark Island scene. I know its bright sunshine out but they can change anything with CGI these days. The scene with the Dark Island has Caspian saying something about "It's just going to settle on the mast." It's more likely Eustace as a dragon though. Either way I'll have to see it in the movie before I pass judgment.

  40. Lirenel says:

    I think it's probably Lord Octasian (sp?). Maybe the Narnians kill him, thinking he's a real dragon, he returns to the island and they follow to make sure he's dead. And then Eustace gets separated and finds the dragon, etc, like in the book. Makes it a little more exciting than just finding a dying dragon.

  41. Movie Aristotle says:

    I think the *something something* that icarus couldn't identify in the transcript was just the person misspeaking and correcting himself. "And now he’s flying off towards the island *and he's going to (pause) the island* and he's going off to sea.

  42. Narniapinoy says:

    I really don't care what glumPuddle says maru na naman sya! I'm excited to see it on big screen! yiii!

  43. Leolani says:

    Even though that doesn't happen in the book, it would be closer to the storyline than adding in another dragon……….

  44. Leolani says:

    I don't think it is the dark island, because each person was imagining something different happening, but it was all in their minds 😉

  45. Miguel says:

    I love a dragon attack! I think it's going to be really epic! And I'm sure it's real. Look this at 0:39… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20iYGGhO38Q It's from the Prince Caspian DVD.

  46. Aravis Narnia says:

    I wonder who is speaking.

  47. Ryno says:

    someone needs to have a serious lesson in how to hold a camera steady…

  48. daughter of the King says:

    I agree, that's what makes the most sense. But if that were true, I think they're still following the basic storyline. Caspian and co. would still be on the island and what we are seeing is the crew who were left behind on the ship as Eustace flies out onto the beach.

  49. yeswelovenarnia says:

    Well what ever they are doing it looks cool. but to actually see them doing something is awesome!!!!!!!!

  50. yeswelovenarnia says:


  51. blarneybaby says:

    They were running around reacting to the sea serpent's attack on the dawn treader. They have to run around like he's destroying things and chasing them around the ship. They'll add the serpent in CGI later. They're just getting a foundation placed so that they have something to work with. It's hard acting to what you can't see.

  52. Kayla says:

    That is super cool. But who is saying it. I did not recognize the voice.

  53. The narniad says:

    Oh WOW!I never expected footage from the set! I think this must the first encounter the crew has with the EustaceDragon- at least I hope so! I so can't wait for 2010!!! SAIL ON VDT!!!

  54. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    agreed! I was like, "hold the freakin' camera still! IT's not that hard! lol

  55. cuppycakesrach says:

    woooooo so exciting!!!!!!

  56. Affy-Ann says:

    This is amazing! It's making me really REALLY excited to watch the movie! I think it'll be so cool when I see this scene in the film and I'll remember what they did when they were shooting it. Making movies is absolutely awesome, especially when it's a film like Narnia. =)

  57. Narnia Girl says:

    Whoa! I'm getting SO excited. I can't wait for the movie. Only problem was that the camera was kinda shaky…lol, it was still really cool though.

  58. Embrace says:

    Enter The Dragon! We better get Eustace…ome changes!

  59. Eilonwy19 says:

    true. I was just brainstorming. maybe the confusing yelling is Caspian trying to tell the men where the dragon is that they can't see. The scene probably has something to do with Eustace though. I just thought I'd throw something different out there.