Barnes Injured on Dawn Treader Set writes: “While [Ben Barnes was] filming scenes with co-star Skandar Keynes earlier this week, a sword stunt backfired – and Barnes had to receive treatment for an injury to his mouth. He says, ‘We’ve been sword fighting. It didn’t go quite according to plan – I’ve got a slightly swollen lip, because I got popped with the sword by young Skandar Keynes.’ ” Apparently Ben recovered just fine as we’ve seen him many times in pictures this week.
Ow! Glad he's okay. If anything bad happened to him….
Aww, poor Ben! I'm glad he's fine, though.
Hehehe! I like the "popped" and "the young Skander Keynes." I am glad that it wasn't anything big. Didn't Skander hut Will's knee in PC when they were sword fighting once? Keep the story of Aslan alive!
Oh boy. Can't wait to see this in the blooper reel, lol!
This incident will showup in someone's blooper tape..glad ur okay, Ben. Long Live Aslan !!!
Wow, saw the title and almost had a heart attack… I was picturing like a broken leg or huge cut or something. haha Funny how reporters are reporting on him getting bumped on the lip.
here's the interview Ben did with UK's GMTV where he spoke about the little accident:
que padre esta chido eso
Glad he is ok. Glad I saw the interview before the headlines.
I hope they have it on the blooper reel too. It would funny.
"[T]hough I have never been called a coward, I must plainly say that to meet that young man in battle is more than my heart would serve me for. . ." – Glozelle.
So glad that he is okay…I guess it comes with the territory!
Wow!!! I never thought this would happen! But I suppose it's not completely unheard of. Very glad everything's alright.
haha way to go skandar <3 real smooth! hope to see that in the bloobers 🙂
The young Skandar Keynes? He's 18, an adult… he isn't that young. And it's not like Ben is an old geezer either lol. Glad he's alright though. It makes an interesting story to tell.
I may be wrong, but lol, I thought Will was the one who hurt Skandar!
Must've happened during that swordfight we saw, I guess.
Ha! That would be a laugh. But I never knew my beautiful Skandar could be so vicious!
hehe. glad he's ok. HEHE. Skandar… funny 😉
No I think Skandar got Will. Who will he get next Eustace!
Awww poor Ben! I'm glad he's okay, though.
O gosh! I first read it and I couldn't believe it! Glad he's ok now. Hope it's on the bloopers!
I would scream and die if he got seriously hurt!!!!!!
Hey, does this mean that the fight between the two will actually happen?
hi ben well get better soon and that well hurt
No William accidently cut Skandar's leg when he was taking the sword out before the duel
ahhh poor Ben Skandar must have just gotten so into it that he hit him 🙁 I can't wait to see the bloopers sooooo funny!
ASLAN"S MANE!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Ben!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he doesn't get hurt any more. I WOULD REALLY freak if he did. I was horrified when I read the title. I was worried about him. I am REALLY glad he's okay now. Stay safe Ben!!!! I wish you luck!
oh i'm so glad he's ok!gosh skandar is 18 getting to your head?LOL!J/K!luv all the actors!
*Smiles* and William said in the LWW commentary that Skandar wasn't a warrior!
I would do anything to see Skandar's reaction after seeing that he hurt Ben!
OW!OW!OW! ,and more OW! Ben is really accident prow isn't he? STOP GETTING HURT BEN! I had a fealing he was going to get hurt one of these days.
something like this always has to happen, right? glad to hear it was only a small injury though and nothing big. haha! edmund sure showed caspian up! haha!
Haha! i had almost forgot about that line in PC. now it fits! haha!
Love that line! Totally fits, I would die if I had to fight Edmund!! But I would die TO do it to… XD
Oh im sooo glad hes okay:) Skandar must feel awful!
I know, just the tought makes me shiver!!!
I bet skandar is just getting back at everyone for being hit with the cricket ball.
by the way this is the second scare ive had today! colin morgan went to the hospital, hes fine now…
Poor Ben! Oh well, at least he's allright! 🙂
That's what I thought 🙂
Owww!!poor ben!But i glad to hear that it's just small injury!I want to know how Skandar's face when he seeing that he hurt ben!!
Hahaha!That's tottaly fits!Love that line.I almost forgot that in PC
totally agreed!
I just about died when i first heard this – but so glad it wasn't anything serious! Haha I doubt he feels awful. I bet Skandar made sure Ben was ok then broke out in hysterical laughter 😛 Hope its on the blooper reel! Eep poor ben…
here's the HD quality, interruption-free version here:
Wow, this guy is accident-prone isn't he! first he rides a horse into a tree during filming of his other movie, and now he hits his lip! i hope no one falls off the boat next. – that would be terrible –
although i would like to have seen Skandar; probably completely surprised followed by horrendous laughter 😀
I cant wait to see the movie!!
Oh so gald he is okay!!! i guess Edmund did not like the idea of Caspian being king!LOL!!!!!!!!!SAIL ON VDT!!!! LOVE YA BEN!!!!
OMG. I got so nervous when I saw the headline about Ben getting injured but at least this wasn't too bad. -sighs relieved-
Love you Ben!!
I wonder, what would they do if Ben or one of the other main actors got seriously injured (let's hope the situation never comes)? Would they have to suspend the movie? Or would they have to find a new actor?
Been there, brother. I blew myself up reenacting the English Civil Wars. A spark from my musket got in my cartridges and turned me into a live roman candle. I got off easy, with second degree burns on my right arm, and the nickname 'Sparky'. I wonder if they'll call him "Sweet Lips" or "Slugger" or something :-D.
I'm glad he's okay hey accidents happen.
A good thing the young King didn't lose his head.
I'm really happy he's better now. Thank God. =)
A very good thing. I don't even want to think it, Puddleglum. XP
Clever! Fits perfectly!
It's a very good thing I saw some comments on this in another article, so I didn't get a heart attack like some people did. I guess acting sometimes is a bit risky, especially when you're doing a stunt yourself, rather than relinquishing it to a double.
haha, didn't in the PC complementary skandar said that he got a swollen lip right before they did a face shot or something like that? and then he gives ben a swollen lip??? hahaha